Par:Gagnant médical
As an industry leader from China, Winner Medical produced a high-quality Pack angiographie that is comprehensive in components and reliable in quality. Take a glance at the details.
When it is necessary to determine the condition of cerebral vessels, coronary arteries, venous thrombosis, arterial thrombosis, etc., angiography is a trustworthy procedure that may be used to examine blood vessels as well as other disorders. Winner Medical produces a wide variety of angio packs, each of which can be ethylene oxide-sterilized in the manufacturing facility to fulfill the stringent sterility standards of the procedure.
Forfait équipement complet
Winner Medical is in the business of producing angiography kits, which consist of items such as angiography drapes, syringes, tubing, table covers, microscope covers, angiography fluid bowls, towels, and gowns. These items are all sterilized with ethylene oxide to fulfill the sterility requirements of angiography.
Comment utiliser correctement le bundle angio offert par Winner Medical.
1. Determine which configuration of the angio pack specs is most appropriate based on the clinical requirements to get the optimal surgical fit.
2. tandis que dans un secteur propre, enlevez l'emballage et mettez sur l'équipement protecteur tel que des gants, un masque, et une blouse chirurgicale.
3. Remove each component of the product and verify that the components in the package are unbroken and that the quantity corresponds to the information provided in the configuration table.
4. en suivant les instructions, dépliez et disposez la feuille chirurgicale, puis préparez les instruments chirurgicaux en les installant et en les préparant.
Grâce à une innovation continue et une expansion continue des frontières industrielles, Winner Medical est passé d'un fabricant de consommables médicaux unique au coton en tant que matière première de base, principalement engagé dans la recherche et le développement, la production et la vente de fournitures médicales en coton, couvrant de nombreux domaines.Obtained theUECE certification, the US FDA certification, and the Japanese Ministry of Health and Welfare certification.À l'heure actuelle, Winner Medical compte 21 filiales de premier et de deuxième rang en propriété exclusive et en portefeuille. La qualité des produits de Winner Medical est largement reconnue internationalement. Le pack d'angiographie ne fait pas exception. Croyez que leurs jetables médicaux de haute qualité peuvent fournir un coup de pouce à l'industrie médicale.
The design of the disposable angio pack offered by Winner Medical has been meticulously improved to conform to the stringent standards for product quality that are imposed by medical facilities for angiographic accessories. The unwavering commitment to quality that underpins Gagnant médical's operations inspires complete faith in the company's offerings. For further details, please check out their website.