La technologie innovante de l'alginate contribue aux soins avancés des plaies

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La technologie innovante de l'alginate contribue aux soins avancés des plaies


Par:Gagnant médical

La technologie innovante de l'alginate contribue aux soins avancés des plaies 10100

La technologie innovante de l'alginate contribue aux soins avancés des plaiesÉvénement

The innovative self-adhesive dressings are examples of single-use wound care products. This type of dressing manufactured by Winner Medical is made of alginate. Because of their poor water absorption, low permeability, and tendency to stick to the wound when being changed, traditional dressings are being phased out gradually. This is because of the problems that these issues cause. Winner Medical has developed high-quality alternative Alginate pour plaies that can be used in wound dressing solutions. Patients receive respite from their pain as a side benefit of using these therapies, which also encourage wound healing.


The advantages of using the alginate offered by Winner Medical for wound dressing

L'alginate utilisé comme pansement par Winner Medical est composé d'une substance polyuréthane biocompatible qui a une couche de couverture en alginate.

The alginate dressing is a new dressing solution developed by Winner Medical, a new material that is particularly suitable for highly exuding wounds. The dressing chosen for wound care is crucial for wound growth. alginate perfectly meets the external conditions required for wound growth and creates a stable external environment for wound growth, which will be very beneficial for wound recovery.

Le noyau interne du polyuréthane a la forme d'une tour et le pansement d'alginate est le composant qui est en contact avec la plaie. L'alginate utilisé comme pansement contient des composants d'alginate qui sont extrêmement hygroscopiques, doux et apaisants, et qui aident à la cicatrisation des plaies.

It can lessen patient discomfort, give support for wound trauma in certain special places, and slow down bad postoperative reactions.

Les traits et caractéristiques de l'alginate

Winner Medical uses an alginate wound contact layer to reduce the trauma caused by dressing changes. The wound contact layer's one-of-a-kind absorbent properties greatly reduce patient pain, while also reducing the risk of maceration, minimizing skin damage, and providing protection that is Vraimentpainless and non-invasive. As a result, the wound no longer affects the quality of life of the patient.

Premium Manufacturing

En tant que fabricant de pansements professionnels, la production de Winner Medical mérite également d'être mentionnée. Des produits jetables sont traités utilisant le grand équipement importé avancé d'industriel-catégorie. Winner Medical a des conditions d'équipement de pointe et ne compte pas sur des usines tierces pour le traitement. Une telle production efficace garantit la haute qualité de leurs produits.

Visit the official website of Gagnant médical for more in-depth information regarding the wound care items they offer.

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