Pansements pour plaies à haut exsudat: ce que vous devez savoir

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Pansements pour plaies à haut exsudat: ce que vous devez savoir


Par:Gagnant médical

Pansements pour plaies à haut exsudat: ce que vous devez savoir 10266

Pansements pour plaies à haut exsudat: ce que vous devez savoirÉvénement

Wound dressings are a very important part of your wound care treatment plan. Winner Medical's dressing for high exudate woundEst un excellent exemple d'excellente performance et de fiabilité constante.


Why use a high exudate wound dressing?


When caring for a high exudate wound, it is important to understand the basics of wound care. For example, a hyperosmolar wound is a wound that has a large amount of fluid exuding from it. This can be the result of severe bleeding or tissue damage.


When treating a high exudate wound, you need to focus on controlling bleeding and preventing the transfer of infection. Hyperosmolar dressings are designed to help accomplish both of these tasks.


High exudate dressings are medical-grade materials designed to absorb and retain moisture. This helps to keep the surrounding area moist. Hyperosmolar dressings are typically worn for 8-12 hours at a time. During this time, you will need to monitor the dressing for signs of infection or deterioration constantly. You can change the dressing periodically to keep the wound protected and clean.


Difference between basic wound dressing and high exudate wound dressing


Basic wound dressing is made of thin and transparent material, usually cotton. High exudate wound dressings are designed to help preserve the wound by soaking up exudate or allowing it to evaporate.


Basic wound dressings only stop minor wounds, while high exudate dressings are often used for more serious wounds.


Both types of wound dressings are effective in keeping the wound clean and avoiding pain and discomfort. However, hyperosmotic wound dressings may be more effective in preventing leakage.




If you have a wound leaking a lot of fluid, you can take steps to reduce the amount of drainage. Wearing a bandage or dressing that fits snugly over the wound will help reduce the exudate (fluid) and relieve pressure on the surrounding tissue.


Winner MedicalUtilise des textiles non tissés de premier ordre fabriqués en interne comme matière première pour ses produits afin de lutter contre le problème des débris inhérents aux matériaux traditionnels. Cela aide à guérir les blessures et est apaisant. Visitez le site officiel de Winner Medical pour plus de détails.

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