Par:Gagnant médical
Dealing with wounds has never been easy, and there is no reason to accept them as they come! With aLe pansement au lginate, le soin des plaies peut êtreBeaucoup easier.
Alginate dressings are biodegradable, hydrophilic, non-adherent, and highly absorbent dressings derived from seaweed. They are soft, conformable, and easy to apply in various shaped wounds. Lors du pansement d'une plaie fortement exsudant, les ions calcium dans le pansement interagissent avec les ions sodium dans l'exsudat de la plaie. Cette réaction fait gonfler les fibres du pansement et se dissoudre partiellement en gel, aidant ainsi à maintenir un environnement humide dans la plaie. De plus, les fibres d'alginate sont naturellement hémostatiques. Les ions calcium contenus dans le pansement alginate peuvent se diffuser dans la plaie et éventuellement activer les plaquettes pour contrôler les saignements mineurs.
This article will tell everything you need to know about aPansements lginate et pourquoi vous devriez les utiliser.
Alginate Dressing: A Revolutionary Treatment for Wound Care
Alginate dressings have good absorbability and compliance. They can be used in many wound situations that are granulating or sloughing. In sloughy wounds with exudate, the alginate dressing produces a moist cover that prevents the drying out of the wound, helping skin trauma heal more quickly.
Alginates are mainly used for heavily exuding wounds because of their excellent absorptive abilities. They are fabricated in various ranges of products, such as flat sheets and ropes. Common wound conditions to apply Pansement en alginate to might include:
LPressure ulcers
LLeg ulcers
LDiabetic foot Ulcères
LDonor sites
LSuperficial burns
LPost-operative surgical wounds
LTraumatic wounds
Mostly, aLes pansements au lginate peuvent rester inchangés pendant 5 à 7 jours ou jusqu'à ce que l'exsudat atteigne sa capacité maximale.
Why Use Alginate Dressings?
Here are some specific reasons why you should consider using Alginate pour les plaies en rouleaux:
LAdmirable Absorbency of Exudate
Alginate dressing offers high absorbency. The dressing has the capability to absorb 10-15 times its own weight in exudate. As a result, the application of alginate dressing will enhance surgical dressing wear time and reduce change frequency.
LPromotes Healing
Alginate dressings act as an excellent absorbent and provide a moist environment to facilitate wound recovery.
Alginate consumes wound exudate, absorbs moisture from the air, and maintains a moist environment by forming a gel surface. Besides, it has hemostatic properties and has been shown to reduce pain associated with wounds.
As shaped in both sheet and rope, it is highly manipulable and can be used for different types of wounds. Specifically, the sheet dressing can be applied on superficial wounds, while the rope can be used in cavity wounds.
LConvenient Use
Alginate dressings are usually easy to apply and don't require any special care. Simply place them on the wound and let them do the job. The alginate dressings usually conform to body contours and provide maximum patient comfort. They do not adhere to the wound site and can be easily removed without pain or trauma.
It is crucial to ensure the appropriate usage of wound dressings, which can only be achieved by an in-depthComprendre comment les pansements peuvent stimuler ce processus.
Although wound dressings are constantly progressing to new levels, alginate dressings play an important role in wound care by virtue of their unique advantages, making them a perfect choice for various wound types, particularly those requiring Pansement absorbant.
En dehors de la vinaigrette d'alginate, Winner Medical offers a variety of exudative management solutions covering mild, moderate, and severe chronic or acute wounds. The solutions include foam dressing, super-absorbent dressing, alginate dressing, hydrocolloid dressing, and more.
If you intend to purchase superior quality wound dressings that keep wounds free from infection and promote quicker healing, don't hesitate to contact Winner Medical for your best options!
1. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6027439/
2. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7087437/
3. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7111427/
4. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8471591/